African tourism thought-leaders to gather in Botswana for the 5th annual ATLF 2022
Positive market response as Sanganai/Hlanganani marks in-person return

Buyers from Zimbabwe’s traditional source markets that include the USA, the UK, Germany, China and Dubai are expected to attend.

The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) in an aggressive drive to create awareness on Meetings Incentives Conferences Exhibitions (MICE) tourism, held a luncheon for the country’s top corporate executives in collaboration with the Marketers Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ) to engage on incentive travel in Harare. The …
Zimbabwe Strategizing for the Future at Meetings Show London 2022

Zimbabwe will be participating at the Meetings Show London in the United Kingdom which will run from 28 to 30 June 2022. This follows the successful launch of the MICE Campaign – MeetInZim, the destination is geared to engage with UK MICE Agents to bring …